Contact our front desk anytime at (405) 713-1930 to be added to the Victim Notification List. Detention Center staff can explain the process and how notifications work.
VINE is a solution that lets victims of crime and other concerned citizens access timely and reliable information regarding offenders. It is offered free of charge to registrants, is completely confidential, and features multiple language support. Offering peace of mind, the VINE service lets victims call a toll-free number, visit www.vinelink.com, or use the VINELink™ mobile app to anonymously check on an offender's custody status. Victims can also register to receive automated notifications about changes in that status via their choice of format: phone, email, or text. TTY (hearing impaired) service is also available.
REACH VINE Ways to access VINE VINELink.com is the online portal for VINE. VINE can be accessed anytime to provide the most reliable information for custody status changes and criminal case information.
The VINELink Mobile App The VINELink Mobile App is the on-the-go version of VINE that lets you access vital information right from your mobile device. The VINELink Mobile App is available for iOS and Android devices and is completely free for users. DOWNLOAD THE MOBILE APP
Toll-Free Number Toll-free phone support from the Appriss Customer First Center is available 24/7/365 for callers who need help locating an offender, registering for notifications, or accessing victim services in their area. Over 200 languages are available via live operator support. 1-866-277-7477