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Mark Opgrande

Nov 29, 2021


OKLAHOMA CITY (November 29, 2021) –Today, the members of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority unanimously voted to support the recommendations from the Criminal Justice Advisory Council regarding a future detention facility. The Trust members vote recommends the report to the Oklahoma County Commissioners. “The fact of the matter is the building has some issues. It’s multiple stories with elevators is a problem. Medical facilities are not good. They weren’t really planned for that. Medical facilities are really a challenge. Intake and release is problematic. It isn’t particularly functional, and we can certainly do better than that. Recreational areas are really poor, and there is nothing we can really do about it,” said Jim Couch, OCCJA Chair. “There are some things that a new building could bring to the health and welfare of our inmates but can also assist us in the judicial process.” “At the end of day, you can’t fix 13 stories. You can’t fix that. There is no way to make that building COVID resistant. There is no way to make it resistant to other communicable diseases,” said Kevin Calvey, OCCJA Trust Member. “We want to get a facility that is more conducive to not only better treatment of inmates but let’s first and foremost remember better working conditions for our staff in that jail. We really do need to have a new facility."

“I am pleased with the presentation about the new jail in terms of where we go from

here,” said Loretta Radford, OCJAA Trust Member. “But the success of the new jail is

dependent on sources that this board has no control over. But you as taxpaying citizens

have a responsibility to put pressure on other sources that are feeding the jail. We need

true diversion programs as they indicated in their presentation, all these diversion

programs are going to add to the success of the jail.”

“While we support the recommendation to push for a new facility, we are committed to

finding solutions to make the current jail safer and more secure,” said Greg Williams,

CEO. “We will continue to work on much needed improvements not only to the building

but find ways to improve the overall safety and security of the detainees and staff.”

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